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                High-tech enterprise of high-voltage testing equipment and measuring instruments

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                Professionally create high-quality electrical measurement products,and win market honors with integrity; customer-centric, quality as the guarantee.


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                extensively involved in industrial automation and ground network construction, transformation and other fields

                Yunnan Huayuan Electric Power ...
                Yunnan Huayuan Power Engineering Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in cable maintenance projects. Wuhan Yueneng Gaoce Power Equipment Co., Ltd. supplies cable withstand voltage test equipment for 10kV power...

                Guangzhou China Resources Ther...
                In the 110kV cable test project of Guangzhou China Resources Thermal Power Co., Ltd. in June last year, among more than a dozen series resonant manufacturers, after strict technical control and screen...

                Datang Taiyuan Second Thermal ...
                Invited by customers, Wuhan Yueneng Gaoce Power Equipment Co., Ltd. came to Jiancaoping District, northwest of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, and purchased YNDL-1007 cable fault tester and YNXZ-135/10...

                news dynamic

                Customer-centric, provide customers with high-quality series of products

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                Warmly celebrate my company website revision succe...
                In order to adapt to the needs of the development of the company, establish a comprehensive corporate image, we through the new website revision, will better enhance the company's brand effect and industry influence, so that customers can know more about the products and services can be more high. The product page of the new official website contains detailed information of all products of the company. Such as high voltage class test device, variable frequency series resonance overvoltage withstand test device, transformer testing instruments and meters, high and low voltage switch testing instrument, relay protection testing instrument, the cable fault maintenance equipment, SF6 gas detection instruments, oil analysis instruments, insulation and grounding resistance test equipment, lightning arrester, insulator detecting instrument, etc.; The project case page contains the project test case of our company, and the about us page contains the introduction and philosophy of our company. Wuhan Yue Neng Gao Measure Power Equipment Co., Ltd. is a collection of power testing equipment, instrumentation research and development, production, sales, service in one of the high-tech enterprises. Always adhere to the product quality as the lifeline of the enterprise, the company's all products strictly comply with the ISO9001 quality management system standard. However, we always adhere to the road of investment, continuous innovation and sustainable development. Since its establishment, the company has gradually obtained a series of qualifications such as "ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification", "high-tech enterprise certificate", "preferred brand" and so on. On the way forward we always adhere to the customer-centric, to provide customers with high quality products and excellent service. As always, we strictly implement the terms of the contract and agreement, won the trust and recognition of users. Here, we sincerely thank all the users and friends who support and trust us. Thank you for your company and witness all the way! At the same time, we solemnly promise: we will work harder, more firm for the new and old users to provide reliable products and attentively service. The more you can measure, the more wonderful, look forward to your visit!


                Application of Four Common Relay Protection Techno...
                Relay protection technology is very important for the safe and stable operation of HVDC transmission lines. As the current commonly used technical means have certain deficiencies, we should increase research efforts and develop a relay protection scheme that is more suitable for my country's DC transmission requirements , Thereby promoting the long-term development of the power system. Here are four common relay protection technologies.


                Technical article More >
                The principle and application of high current temperature rise test using simula...The high current temperature rise test is an important indicator to measure the performance of electrical equipment, especially in the factory inspection test of transformers and circuit breakers. Although there are many types of transformers and circuit breakers and their functions are very different, the process of temperature rise test is basically the same. The following explains the principle and application of the large current temperature rise test system using the simulated load method for the large current temperature rise test.
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